Op het Archbishop Vincent Nichols - Installation Blog wordt het een en ander uit de doeken gedaan omtrent de rituelen en de muziek, waarvan delen speciaal voor de gelegenheid zijn gecomponeerd. Lees hieronder over de hoogtepunten. De links heb ik toegevoegd. Let op, bovengenoemde tijden zijn Nederlandse, hierondergenoemde Engelse.
The ceremony of the Reception and Installation of the Archbishop of Westminster will be carried out according to the ancient Catholic rite used in similar circumstances for the Reception and Installation of the Archbishops of Canterbury prior to the Reformation. At 11.45 on Thursday 21, the Sanctuary Procession will enter the Cathedral. It's a pretty impressive list! A Master of Ceremonies Thurifer and Boat Bearer Crucifer and Acolytes The Altar Servers A Master of Ceremonies Ecumenical Guests Gospel Deacon Mass Deacon Two Masters of Ceremonies Deans of the Archdiocese of Westminster Concelebrating Priests Monsignori The Vicar General Concelebrating Abbots and Provincials Two Masters of Ceremonies Visiting Bishops Bishops of England and Wales Archbishops of England and Wales Auxiliary Bishops of Westminster A Master of Ceremonies Visiting Cardinals The Apostolic Nuncio A Master of Ceremonies Crozier Bearer Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor.
At the beginning of the service, the Chapter, led by the Provost, and the Auxiliary Bishops receive the Archbishop at the West Door of the Cathedral and the Archbishop then makes his first solemn entry into his Cathedral. Thomas Wilson, Precentor, has said that one of the most thrilling moments will take place at 12.00 noon when the Archbishop arrives at the West Door, accompanied by his Chaplain and Master of Ceremonies. The Cathedral bell will be rung and the doors opened. The Archbishop will kneel at the threshold, surrounded by the great marble medallions on which are representations of twelve sainted Archbishops of Canterbury. A fanfare will sound. The Archbishop will stand and enter the Cathedral narthex where he will be greeted by the Provost. The Provost will present the Archbishop with a crucifix which the Archbishop will kiss. He will then receive holy water from the Provost with which he will sprinkle himself and the assembled clergy. In Canterbury, then a monastic Cathedral, the right to install the Archbishop belonged to the Prior. In Westminster that function is fulfilled by the Provost, who is the Dean of the Cathedral Chapter. The rite is adapted from the ancient rite taken from a Pontifical used at Canterbury in the time of Archbishop Chichele (1414-1443) and preserved in the British Museum.
James MacMillan has been commissioned to write two pieces: one for choir, organ, brass and timps, the other for choir a cappella. Both are settings of texts from the pre-reformation rite of reception and installation of an Archbishop of Canterbury.
Other music will include 2 specially composed fanfares by Colin Mawby, a former Master of Music, and his setting of Ave verum corpus. The mass setting is Palestrina's Missa Tu es Petrus, and the offertory motet is an 8-part Venetian setting of Iubilate Deo by Giovanni Gabrieli. The Te Deum is sung to gregorian chant alternating with a fauxbourdon by Victoria.