maandag 21 september 2009

Filmtip: Brazil

Film van Terry Gilliam met Jonathan Pryce, Robert de Niro, Katherine Helmond en Michael Palin uit 1985 geïnspireerd op het boek Nineteen Eighty-Four van George Orwell. In de nacht van dinsdag 22 op woensdag 23 september 2009 te zien op BBC 1 van 1:05 tot 3:20 uur.
S. T. Karnick: Vividly depicting the miserable results of elitist utopian schemes, Terry Gilliam’s Brazil portrays a darkly comic dystopia of malfunctioning high-tech equipment and the dreary living conditions common to all totalitarian regimes. Everything in the society is built to serve government plans rather than people. The film is visually arresting and inventive, with especially evocative use of shots that put the audience in a subservient position, just like the people in the film. Terrorist bombings, national-security scares, universal police surveillance, bureaucratic arrogance, a callous elite, perversion of science, and government use of torture evoke the worst aspects of the modern megastate.

Meer info hier (Wikipedia)