maandag 16 november 2009

Filmtip: A Simple Plan

In de nacht van woensdag 18 op donderdag 19 november 2009 van 00:25 tot 02:17 uur op BBC 1. Film van Sam Raimi naar het boek van Scott B. Smithuit 1998.
Jonah Goldberg (National Review): A defining insight of conservatism is that whatever transcendent inspiration there may be to moral principles, there is also the humble fact that morality works. Moral institutions and customs endure because they allow civilization to proceed. Sam Raimi’s gripping A Simple Plan illustrates this truth. Bill Paxton plays a decent family man who lives by the book in every way. But when he’s cajoled into breaking the rules to get rich quick, he falls under the jurisdiction of the law of unintended consequences and discovers that simple morality is not simplistic, and that a seductively simple plan is a siren song if it runs against the grain of what is right.

Billy Bob Thornton over de film, zijn rol en Sam Raimi.

Meer info vindt u hier (IMDB).